For those of us who get regular periods, they can either pass by almost unnoticed, or they can totally disrupt your every day life. Sometimes you just want the world to stop spinning so you can hole up in a duvet fort and feel sorry for yourself. Whether you’re having a good or bad period month, Pink Parcel are there to help you feel like your usual gorgeous self and get you back to killing every day life.
Let’s talk periods
Periods are different for everyone, but we can all agree that when they’re disruptive they are a total nuisance. The most important thing we can do for ourselves and for each other is to talk about them! It’s 2019 and periods should no longer be a taboo topic.

I have suffered with PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome) for 9 years now, and this condition has made periods a huge part of my life. Each period is a sign that my treatment is working; (hopefully) my body is creating eggs and I’m fertile. On the other hand, some months my periods are absolute agony and on top of that my hormones are up and down like a yo-yo!
If you want to hear more about my PCOS story, explore my two-part blog post and my YouTube video.
About Pink Parcel
Pink Parcel is a monthly period subscription box which takes the hassle out of your monthly cycle. More than that, Pink Parcel encourages you to take the time you need for yourself at arguably the most needed time of the month.

This is such a great concept I can’t stop gushing about it to all my friends and family. Pink Parcel promise to deliver £40 worth of makeup and skincare, plus your chosen tampons and pads each month! I’ll go into the amazing costs and customisable options later on.
What’s included in your Pink Parcel?
There are 3 content options when ordering your first box or subscribing, and I think that this is a genius idea!
- The Needs
- The Wants
- All of it
The Needs
This option includes your preferred choice of tampons or pads (or both!). You can further personalise this box to choose your favourite femcare brand and pad/tampon sizes.

The Wants
With this option, each month you will receive a box of feel good PMS busting goodies. From luxe beauty, seasonal items, skincare, haircare to delicious treats! Pink Parcel really aren’t stingy on how much they give you from this section. I was so pleasantly surprised about the variety!

From the July box I received:
- Pore strip
- Face mask
- Cranberry feminine wipes
- Banana powder
- Overnight mask
- Sleepy tea
- Toffee apple & cinnamon popcorn
All of it
You can probably work this one out, but I’ll summarise just in case. This option will provide you with all of the above! For those of you who need the necessities as well as the pampering.
My thoughts
I was royally chuffed my ‘All of it’ Pink Parcel delivery, and I think that the value of this box WAY exceeds the cost. You could pay the same amount by only purchasing your monthly femcare products from the supermarket!

In fact, I was so impressed that I have since subscribed for a monthly Pink Parcel myself, with my own money! I opted for the marginally cheaper ‘The Wants’ box, purely because I’ve recently started using a Moon Cup and don’t need the tampons and pads. If I still used femcare products I would go for ‘All of it’ because the price difference is so minimal.
How much does it cost?
I was so shocked when I was doing my research on Pink Parcel to discover just how low their costs are. Even better, there is no contract and no obligation! If the Pink Parcel doesn’t work for you, you can cancel at any time!
- The Needs box = £5
- The Wants box = £8
- All of it box = £11
How incredible are these prices in all seriousness? One of my preferred brands of tampons is £3-5 per box! Pink Parcel takes the hassle out of rushing to the shops last minute and inevitably forking out £10 on PMS sweet treats (come on, we all do it).

My best bits
- Customisation, customisation and more customisation!
- Pink Parcel have truly gone above and beyond to make sure that everyone’s needs are catered for in this box.
- Choice delivery date
- As I’m on the pill, I know exactly what date my period is going to come. It’s great that I could choose my own delivery date for my parcel so it can arrive just in time to cheer me up!
- Low, low prices
- I know I’m really going on about this, but I love a bargain, and I just can’t get over the prices!
- The Pink Parcel community!
- Pink Parcel has a really great blog called Pink Blog which talks about all things period/woman related and is a great read!
- I also discovered their app ‘Pink’ which is amazing. You can track your period, write a diary, and have a daily ‘periodscope’ which will explain your feelings possibly caused by your hormones because of your time of month. I’ve personally found this super helpful. You can find the app by searching ‘Pink Parcel’ in your app store.
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- Have you ever used a period subscription service?
- What do you think about Pink Parcel?
- Would you like to hear about my experience with a Moon Cup?
If you have any questions related to Pink Parcel, PCOS, or anything period-related, please leave a comment below and get the conversation started!

Thank you so much for reading! Don’t forget to follow me on my other social media accounts, and feel free to comment below or message me for a chat. I’d love to talk to you.
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I received this product in exchange for a review. My opinions about the products remains to be honest and unbiased.