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Posted on 27th January 2018

Banish Dry Winter Skin with Palmer’s Cocoa Butter

Palmer's Cocoa Butter

I’m sure I’m not alone in saying that my skin is always at its absolute worst at this time of year. With the colder temperatures comes scaly and even crusty skin (yum), and my face always bears the brunt of it. At the very same time, over indulging in all the scrummy food and alcohol over the festive period has me breaking out in spots and blackheads left, right and centre. Having combination skin to boot makes buying skincare products a bit of a nightmare when you’re trying to combat several issues in one go so I’m usually overly cautious about the products I use on my face. This year however my skin has been particularly bad so I reached for the new skincare range Palmer’s Cocoa Butter in an act of sheer desperation Read more..

Posted on 28th October 2017

Jo Malone English Oak Launch Cambridge

Jo Malone English Oak Launch Cambridge -

Jo Malone is one of those brands we’ve all heard about, but not necessarily had the opportunity or the funds to try. That is the exact reason I jumped for joy when I received my invitation to the Jo Malone English Oak launch at the Cambridge store. I am so, so lucky to have been asked to attend this event, and I was beyond excited about it! I’ve always heard amazing things about Jo Malone, and their products are the definition of Instagram-worthy, so it was high time I gave them a go! Read more..

Posted on 15th April 2017

The Perfect Easter Chocolate Cake Recipe

The Perfect Easter Chocolate Cake Recipe

Do you ever just find yourself in the mood for baking? This has been me all week, so I decided to get creative and pair my baking craving with a little Easter festivity. A say a little, I mean a lot. Once I started with the Easter themed cake ideas I couldn’t stop! This cake is a really crowd-pleaser and is destined to generate a room full of “oohs” and “aahs”. If you feel like showing off to your family and friends this Easter, or even just doing a nice spot of baking by yourself or with the kids, you’re in the right place! Read more..

Posted on 8th April 2017

My Undo List – Things to STOP Doing

Undo List - Things I Want to Stop Doing

I have always been a huge fan of creating lists. Lists about literally anything. Every day I have a to-do list which is ordered by priority, and I also set myself lists of goals to achieve – in a month, a year or five years. This hyper-organised style of living I’m sure isn’t everyone’s cup of tea, but I personally love to mark my progress and my achievements and to know that I’m always being my most productive self. At the end of December 2016, whilst others were making New Years resolutions, I decided to compile an Undo List for 2017. Read more..

Posted on 25th March 2017

Round-Up of the Most Popular Posts to Celebrate Wing it with Jade’s 1st Birthday!!

Blog Birthday - Round-Up - www.wingitwithjade

Can you believe that Wing it with Jade is one year old?? I definitely can’t! It feels like only yesterday I was sat on my bed at University tapping away at my laptop and publishing my first ever blog post. Looking back, I can’t believe how much I have learned over the past year. My blog looks totally different, with more professional photography, a gorgeous theme and content to be proud of. I have learned the importance of SEO and how best to engage my followers through promotion (although I may not always do it as much as I should). To thank all of my amazing followers and those who have supported me in this amazing journey, I’ll be hosting a 1st Birthday Giveaway up on my blog very soon, so keep your eyes peeled!! To celebrate Wing it with Jade’s 1st Birthday, I thought it was more than fitting to share with you all my most popular posts over the last year in my first ever round-up. So sit back, have a cuppa, and enjoy reminiscing on the past year with my blog! Read more..

Posted on 19th March 2017

Perfect Polaroid Style Prints with Printiki

Perfect Polaroid-Style Prints with Printiki - www.wingitwithjade

Did polaroid photos ever go out of fashion? If they did, I never got the memo. All I know is that ever since I can remember I have wanted to cover my room in little square photos with white edges. OutKast obviously added to this and made me want to shake it like a polaroid pictureeeee without actually providing me with a polaroid picture to shake… Rude huh? Unfortunately, forking out upwards of £60 for a bulky Polaroid camera, which I would be too scared to use in case I broke it, has always seemed a bit indulgent for me. I’ve seen that a lot of bloggers have been working with a company called Printiki over the past few months. I jumped at the chance to get involved, especially with the added benefit of having seen everyone else’s gorgeous prints and reviews already… Read more..

Posted on 11th March 2017

Meal Prep with Sistema To Go Containers

Meal Prep with Sistema To Go Containers - www.wingitwithjade

Why do people make such a meal out of meal prep? With the right tools you can become an overnight meal prep pro! Unfortunately, I think many people give up before they even begin, assuming that it’s going to be a lot of effort for little return. If you’re one of those people – I’m about to change your life. A bold statement, but I’m sticking by it. I love my food, and I love taking GOOD food on the go with me. I just don’t see the point in buying extortionate breakfasts, lunches and snacks which are not only unhealthy, but also taste naff too. The Sistema To Go containers have been sooooo good to me over the past few months and honestly make my life just that little bit easier and set me up for a busy day at work/ out and about. In this post I’ll be going through each of my Sistema To Go containers and giving you some tasty meal ideas for those of you who are stumped for meal prep ideas or inspiration. Read more..

Posted on 25th February 2017

Browns Family Jewellers: The Ultimate Rose Gold Wish List

Browns Family Jewellers - Rose Gold Wishlist - www.wingitwithjade

For well over a year now, rose gold has been growing in popularity around the world. The glamorous shade can be found in all aspects of life, be it fashion, beauty, jewellery, homeware, or even as a desired hair colour for 2017! Rose gold is an ever growing addiction and I know that I’m not alone when I spot rose gold in ANY form and I think to myself “I need to have it”.  So what better way to embrace my addiction that to literally wear it? Browns Family Jewellers recently opened my eyes to some of the most glamorous, yet affordable styles of rose gold jewellery. I can honestly say that these pieces are a must have for your Spring 2017 accessory collection. Read more..

Posted on 11th February 2017

50 Romantic Movies to Watch this Valentines Day

Cover Image- 50 Romantic Movies to Watch this Valentines Day -

It’s that time of year again, but it should be called marmite day because you either love Valentines Day, or you hate it with a burning passion. Either or. I sit on the fence with this one. On the one hand, I love that there’s a day to celebrate LOVE as a concept. Whether it be familial love, the undying love you have for your best friend(s) or the love of your life. What can I say? I just love love. On the other hand, I do appreciate that Valentines Day is just another day for the corporations to rinse you dry of your hard earned cash, and make you feel like money is how to show your loved ones that you care (GAHHH CAPITALISM RANT). Ahem … I don’t think money should be spent in excess for this day, but you should instead just shower each and every person you meet with love, love, love. And yep I’ll say it one more time; LOVE. So with Valentines Day in everyone’s mind this week, I thought I would write you all a list of 50 Romantic Movies to watch. Whether you’re on your own, with your friends and family, or with your soulmate. Not a single penny has to be spent, let’s just celebrate one of the most amazing feelings there is. Without any further passionate ramblings, here are my personal 50 favourite romantic movies, in no particular order: Read more..

Posted on 4th February 2017

Top 10 Interview Tips

Interview Tips -

Interviews are terrifying, there is no denying that simple fact. There is, however, a way to overcome the fear, and that is preparation! Once you have fully prepared yourself for how your interview will play out, it will seem a lot less intimidating. Having been recently reminded of the scary interview process, I have decided to share with you all my top ten interview tips. That way you will all hopefully be more relaxed and confident, leaving room for your lovely personalities to shine through. Keep reading to find out how I tackled my interview nerves, which ultimately got me my new job! Read more..

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